Hot Shoes! Where can they be found?

For a moment, let’s ignore this hideous outfit that looks like it came from Baby Gap and admire the wonderfulness of these shoes.  I need more information on them, more precisely where can I find them and how many rent payments will they set me back.  Or hell, even if someone knows of a cheaper version, they are MINE! They will be so hot on my Caribbean vacation in May.  They are freaking HAUTE!!! I love the details on the heel, I have a pair of brown suede summer shoes that have a heel like that, and I love that little hidden detail with the gold stitched in there. But these, the leather and the straps are making my  heart melt.  Info please!

For those who don’t know who this is, this is Amber Rose-supposedly Kanye’s new chick.  Now this kind of makes sense on her fashion choices, because Kanye is highly into being different, which is admirable, but there is a fine line between different & stylish and this here. This here is just wrong.  It’s too much: the scarf, the elastic waist shorts, the mini tee… Maybe the mini tee with some form fitting pants would have worked for me. Or the shorts with a shirt that covered her belly. I guess for me, there is just too much skin! There have been all sorts of internet rumors about her: she’s a dyke, a stripper, and who knows what else.  I don’t care.  But every time someone says the rumor I think of the lyrics to Stronger:

“Heard they’d do anything for a Klondike
Well I’d do anything for a blonde dyke
And she’ll do anything for the limelight
And we’ll do anything when the times right.  “

Well if any of the rumors are true… here you have it!  LOL.  I don’t care. I love Kanye’s music and don’t mind his arrogance.  I mean he does his thing in music and thats what matters.  Graduation was my least favorite cd of his, but it doesn’t mean I think its a bad cd, it just wasn’t his best work.  But the latest one, 808s & Heartbreak. Well, that goes hard in my Ipod.  Love it! He’s some real stuff despite the autotone, which I hate.  You can’t deny the power behind the lyrics….

Here’s Stronger, just because I like it and I referenced it!

Cop Finds out his Co-Worker is his Daddy

Last week I read a story about a man who discovered that his co-worker was actually his father.  Can you believe that? Apparently Police Sgt. Chris Walker never knew who his father was, and this was constantly a source of discontent with him.  It’s kind of a classic story, wife & husband separate.  She bangs new guy (this time a younger guy) and gets preggers.  She then tells estranged husband that she’s preggers and they get back together. All the while she secretly things separation fling guy is the father.  One day Mother told Son that the man he thought was his father, on his birth certificate, wasn’t really his father (this happens all the time believe it or not!).  After finding this out Walker was obsessed with finding who his father is.  His searched ended with his new co-worker Detective Clay Hamilton.  How odd is that, the chance that they both became cops? Is that like some dormant gene that cop fathers pass to their children? A lot of guys, like this kid from my hometown, become cops because of their dads. Anyway, after DNA test proved that he was actually the son of his co-worker they’ve been bonding and all that good stuff.

I love how they are downplaying the fact this this adult (married) woman slept with a 15 year old boy.  Not one article I read said anything about this.  They weren’t questioning why she slept with such a young boy.  I mean, he was barely a teenager, what was he a freshmen in high school? This is some Desperate Housewives crap.  This kind of stuff can ruin families.  I mean this man, Clay, has a family of his own. And yeah it was a long time ago, but now his other kids – a young son and older daughter (35)- have to deal with having a new sibling. And the wife has to deal with this too.  For a kid discovering his father, that’s awesome, but the father now has a lot of explaining to do.  But wait, get this.  Apparently neither of them (the parents) really knew each others names. He thought she was BIllie Joe Walker somebody and she thought his name was Clayton.  Her name is Debbie and his is Claiborne.  Tsk Tsk.

Can you imagine how bad this situation could have turned out? Imagine if you thought the person was a total douchebag or they were just a complete idiot.  That would make it so much harder to come to terms with.  I know for me, there are a few people at work who I’m like, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???” But then there are others who I wonder how they’d respond if I asked “Hey, you’re pretty cool. Do you want to adopt a fully grown college graduate?”


You know this kid had a few moments like this growing up:

OMG! When did Close?


I love/loved  So imagine my surprise today when I decided I was going to go get my test on and they were closed.  IDK what sparked this.  They had some good ass tests on their site. I have a folder in my Gmail dedicated to my Tickle results.  I have my sexual persona, my personality type, and my subconscious mind among others.

Formerly known as, Tickle was founded on the belief that personal insight and connections to others could be both scientific and fun. Tickle was the leading interpersonal media company, providing self-discovery, and social networking services. Their results, if you answered as honestly as possible with the choices, were usually so on point. I read online that they had psychology and marketing experts from Harvard, Yale, Duke, Northeastern, Washington University in St. Louis, SUNY at Albany, and The University of Kansas on staff.  I remember when it used to be too, LOL.   I wonder what the site upkeep was there? They had over 200 tests, some PHd Certified.

If you type in they will refer you to other career based sites, but its just not the same.  The biggest one they are boosting is, which doesn’t seem as fun or interesting.  Sigh.. I’m sad.. I guess I’ll head over to  and b.s. over there…

Celebrate Kwanzaa

I’ve been meaning to write about Kwanzaa since the day after Christmas, but all types of holiday stuff had me too busy. I can’t say that I actually participate in Kwanzaa, but I think that people have the wrong idea of what it exactly is. Some think of it as an alternative to Christmas when its not actually so. In fact, Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday versus being a religious one. Kwanzaa was “created” in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor of Africana Studies at California State University during the Black Freedom Movement. t is celebrated December 26-January 1. The name Kwanzaa is derived from the phrase “matunda ya kwanza” which means “first fruits” in Swahili. Its thought to reflect the communities concern for cultural grounding and the unity and self-determination associated with the movement. Kwanzaa was created to reaffirm and restore our roots in African Culture-making it a reconstruction of African Culture.

Kwanzaa is said to represent a time of ingathering of the people to reaffirm the bonds between them. It’s also a time of special reverence for the creator and creation in thanks for blessings and the beauty of creation. It also represents commemoration of the past in pursuit of its lessons and in honor of its models of human excellence, a.k.a our ancestors. Additional first fruit celebrations include a time for re-commitment to our highest cultural ideals in our ongoing effort to always bring forth the best of the African cultural thought and practice, and a time for celebration of the good: the good of life, family, community, culture, the ordinary, the divine, the natural, and the social.

Kwanza is built upon 7 principals. I remember in elementary school during the Holiday play, which was every year no matter what grade you were in, we had to recite the seven principals of Kwanzaa. I remember BET used to have a Kwanzaa special. This was the old BET, not the crap as of late. The BET I remember had shows like Teen Summit. OH yeah! Back to the 7 principals of Kwanzaa,ne is celebrated each day of Kwanzaa.
1. Umoja: Unity
2. Kujichagulia: Self Determination (I just used to love saying this).
3. Ujima: Collective Work and Responsibility
4. Ujamaa: Cooperative Economics
5. Nia: Purpose
6. Kuumba: Creativity
7. Imani: Faith

I think Kwanzaa isn’t widely practice because no one is really taught about it. Sure, in class they glaze over it, but no one is instructing people on how to practice the ceremony. No one is helping kids light the Kinara or anything. Whereas we are socialized about Christmas from nearly birth. Even as a child you are instructed on the art of gift giving. From a kid you write letters to Santa, or Saint Nick however you want to refer to him. Christmas is truly lacking in its origins but people are still caught up in the commercialization of it. Going into massive credit card debt every year while other holidays such as Kwanzaa and even Hannuakuah (did I spell that right) are briefly acknowledged. Who’s fault is this? People or the businesses? If we weren’t inspired by all these shiny and technological they wouldn’t have us in this continuous consumer warp.

More Info

And yeah.. I know some people like to be funny, but I hate to read ignorant crap like this…

Ignorant Blog-Read at your own risk…

Things we won’t see in 2009!

I never check my AOL mail, and when I do I get more fascinated with their news pieces than my actual email. AOL usually has the best lists, the top 25 things we never use, or the bottom lotions and why not!!! Those are all things I enjoy. So today I’m finally checking my email (lists) and they had their annual list of things we won’t see next year. So, I am highlighting a few things from that list.

What you won’t see in ’09!

1. Traditional Polaroid Film: I didn’t know they still made this. I remember in high school I had this talking Polaroid, well my grandmother really had it, but I used to buy film and use it. Polaroid film was not cheap, but damn those cameras were huge.

2. Zima: I heard about the discontinuation of Zima a few months ago, but wow, Yeah, no Zima for you drunks out there. They really want you to drink their new Sparks Malt beverage instead. I had that crap.. it isn’t that great. What is with all the lemony-limey flavors?And, isn’t it a proven fact that its lethal to mix energy drinks and liquor (red bull & vodka)??? HHmmmm…

3. the Kinkos name: aawww, no longer will I be able to say, “Well, there’s a Kinkos down the road. I have to say, “Yeah, go use FedEx Office.” WTF boooo!!!

4. Taco Bell Volcano Taco: I actually never had this because I don’t eat beef, and sometimes when TB gets new items they don’t offer to sub chicken. However, I did think this was just a promotional item only, like the Fajita Grilled Stuft Burrito. Damn, now I want some TB, but I’m going to be a good girl.

5. Smokey Chipotle Crispy Fried Chicken @ KFC: WTF is that? I never even saw this. Was this for release only in CA or the south our something? I never even saw a commercial for this. How do you get smokey chipotle flavor to shine through the crunchy goodness of the Colonel’s Extra Crispy?

6. Lehman’s Brothers & Bear Sterns: Nothing much really needs to be said about this… except well.. no, nothing its all already been said. Blame it on the mortgages..

7. Shea Stadium: They have closed to build a new location. What will the baseball world be without Shea Stadium? I drove past it once…. it’s big.

8. AFL (Arena Football League): People watch this? Supposedly it has a die hard fan base, which caused their expenses and debts to rise. IDK, but doesn’t increased fans usually mean increased profit?

9. 25 Banks: All total this year 25 banks failed, the biggest being Washington Mutual and INDYMac.. Once again, the blame the “mortgage crisis” vs. the greedy execs. Bah Humbug!!

10. Linen’s & Things: I don’t know if many outside of Jersey are into this store, hell I barely shop there, but it does make me sad that it won’t be there for my linen needs. I am hoping to try and catch some of their “going out of business” sales for my impending move.

Those are my TOP 10.. Honorable mention in my book include

-Sharper Images stores

-Steve & Barry’s

-Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper (any missing flavor of the Doc’ isn’t good!)

-DHL in the US

-Bill Blass

Go over to AOL for the actual list because I can’t find the actual link anymore. They replaced it with ” Best Buys Right Now” See, isn’t AOL still good for something!!

Desperate Housewives: Cougars

I have been watching Desperate Housewives pretty regularly since the 2nd season. After becoming engrossed in the second season I got myself acquainted with Season 1 and the characters. Gaby being the ex supermodel turned bored suburban housewife. Susan is the clumsy lovable girl next door. Lynette the over worked mother of way too many kids and Bree, the Martha stewart next door. I guess you can say Edie is a main character is she is the slut you love to hate. There is something to love in each characters. There are some themes that resonant each season on almost every show-someone is pregnant, someone dies, or some great disaster strikes. Recently I noticed another recurring theme on this show.

At the start of the show, Gaby was sleeping with her gardener who was a high school student. She was being a “cougar. A “cougar” is typically an older woman who sleeps with a significantly younger man. This led to drama in her personal life. Fast forward to this season, where the show has fast forwarded 5 years into the future, here we are with one of Lynette’s many kids banging his best friends mom. WTF is up with Marc Cherry and his infatuation with old women and young men? People say that TV emulates life or if life emulates TV, but in this case which is it. I guess in the case of this show, Desperate Housewives-emphasis on Desperate-it makes sense to have bored housewives who are willing to sleep with young men to bypass the boredom and the realization that their lives are less than desirable.

We see headlines all over the news when teachers are caught having sexual relationships with their students, but what about the numbers of women who aren’t caught. They are betraying their yoga class buddies by corrupting their children. Sometimes, even going as far to say that they love them. I don’t understand how these relationships start. I know sometimes that young boys, and even girls, think their friend has a hot parent. But what could possess someone to cross the line with someone so much older. And what about the parents, they usually have children that age yet they still do it. But if the same was happening to their child they’d be outraged and do eveyrthing in their power to protect them. Are the rules totally forgotten because of “love” or lust in most of these situations. Let all my friends read this, if I have children and I find out that you are sleeping with them, I will cut you. Cut you out of my life, slice you up with a knife, and probably cut your tires. Then I am going to tell your spouse. I will tell your children, and then I will post pictures up around the neighborhood so everyone knows that you are a person who messes with children. If I ever did that, I hope someone would bring me public shame also. This is not right.

Spiritual Proximity…

“A woman’s heart should be so close to God’s that a man has to seek him to find her…”

This quote was inside an email I received.  This quote, combined with an intense conversation someone and I had the other day made me question, Why are we so concerned with someone else’s proximity to church, God, and spirituality? I think that people are overly concerned with others religious beliefs, and for what? Does it make someone a better Christian if they can convert their sacriligious friends over to the Holy word? Does God smile on them then and only then? I don’t see why people are so obsessed with judging someones faith based on how much they go to church.  Why is it so hard to believe that someone can be close to God and not support organized religion? Why does it matter to the next person, seriously? It has been my experience that churches can be sometimes filled with many “half” Christians.  Folk who step out to the club Saturday night and praise Him with that same hand that held the drink the night before. OR you have the ones who are “SAVED” in the sanctuary and get in the streets and curse folk out or are just plain rude.  They spend their time talking about the folk they say at Church that week and how “Oh, Sister so -and so- , No she didn’t.” I feel that if you are someone who is truly “SAVED” you have subscribed to the thoughts that God accepts us as we are.

Now, if someone wants to go to church and get their blessings, I support that fully.  But I’m at a point in my life, probably steming from my own personal experiences where I have issues with church.  I remember being like probably between the ages of 10-12 and my grandmother would force me and my cousin to go to Church and Sunday School each week.  Most of these weeks she would spend home while we went to Sunday school and she’d join us later at church.  Sometimes she didn’t join us.  But it was like as soon as we left church, she was happy for a few minutes and then went back to cursing up a storm.  I never understood it.  I always imagine Christians to be good, kind hearted souls… she never embodied that. Not that she wasn’t kind.. to others.. it just didn’t give me faith in the power of prayer either because things were not easy for us growing up.

Even at work, there is this lady, Lady N, who is always talking about how she spent her wonerful weekends doing church events and passes out little green Bibles trying to convert us sinners to a better place.  But then she does conniving things to get her way in the work place, how is this Christian-like? I don’t understand it.  I try to keep my relationship with God a personal thing. No I am not ashamed of it.  I will shout it to the mountain tops that I believe in God.  But I don’t feel that by declaring myself a Christian I have to come down on religions like  Buddism, Muslims, Taoism, and even Judaism.  In fact, I have a desire to read about all the religions to see how they go about relationships with the higher being. I feel that that can increase my spirituality. End the end, we should be judged by our spirituality not by how well we followed organized religion…

Fatherhood Commercials

I love this commercial everytime I see, because its just so cute, without being too cheesy like those say no to drug public service announcements.  I caught myself sitting on the couch one day singing, “those boys are much too much.” I like the fact that this shows a father daughter relationship, because those relationships are extremely important.  Especially for black women, too many of us don’t have father figures at home.  I think that all girls; white, black, asian, indian-whatever their ethnicity need strong male role models.  It is these relationship that shape the relationships that we have with males for the rest of our lives.  You find some women looking to fill a fatherly void and you sometimes wonder, “Well, what is she doing with him,” or sometimes you see the girl searching for it by bed hopping, looking for that male to take care of her.  We see these tarnished relationships reflected in different ways every day.  The same is with boys.  Many boys need to have a male role model to show them how to fix things, how to be a man.  Instead of having to grow up with this innate sense to be the “man of the house.” Like Janice Huber (The first Aunt Viv from Fresh Prince of Bel Air) said in her recent article “I feel like there’s so much decadence in the world right now. I feel like our children have really been corrupted with sex and violence and the need to fit in [by adopting] the whole thug-wannabe, gang-wannabe [mentality]. The role models out there are really dangerous,” this is true.  She is not speaking from a place of older versus younger.  I am young and I believe this.  So I try to be a role model for my younger cousins.  But I do find it kind of sad that there has to be an initiative to promote fatherhood.  It is sad, and frankly appalling.  I mean, even like Barack Obama said during his fathers day speech, “any fool can make a baby.” And this goes for women too… any one can give birth, but it takes a true soul to stand up and be a parent.  On the website for the National Fatherhood Initiative I saw that they were more than just public service announcements.  They offer a variety of tools and resources for fathers in various settings. They had community based programs, healthcare programming, school programming military programming, corrections and christian based programming along with information for balancing work and family.  I wonder how many people, who have children, have seen those commercials and really visited their website.  It makes me no difference because I don’t have a child, but if I did…and they had the motherhood initiative, I’d check them out.

Check them out here.

Broadway Revival

So yesterday while I flipping through my September issue of Essence magazine while working out, I came across a one-page article about India Aire starring in a revivial of Ntozake Shange’s “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf.” I was so thrilled I damn near fell off the machine.  I personally have not read the book, but I have heard how inspiriting it is, and what I have read from Ntozake I have loved.  She is phenomenal.  I think I am going to grab a copy of this book from amazon the next time I purchase a book.  I have to keep an eye on this production because I absolutely  have to see this. I really wanted to catch the all black revival of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof but I missed it, so if I miss this I will kill someone.  I tried to google information, but couldn’t find any information dated after July 30.  All the information said that India Aire’s debut will be post-poned due to lack of funding.. I am praying that this comes to Broadway or off-broadway because I need this in my life.  For those who don’t know, “For Colored girls…” was First produced off-broadway, the play soon moved onto Broadway at the Booth Theatre and won a number of awards, including the Obie Award,  Outer Critics Award  and the AUDELCO Award.

how we live / is important business
latin night only monday
is contagious / dangerous
let us be ourselves / every day”


I learned something new today. Someone said they were in the mood to watch some tribbing.  Me, being on this eternal quest for knowledge proceeded to google tribbing.  Yes, google is wonderful and I don’t know how I survive a day without it.  I cant’ think of a day that goes by when I don’t google something… anything.. an image… a name.. a person…But I digress I found out what tribbing was, or tribadism for the more formal.  This is the act of two women bumping kitties!!! (I am going to be PG for the sake that I just don’t talk overly dirty and to say it with the other words would just be too vulgar for me.  But yes, tribbing is a lesbian sex act that involves two women who lay, i guess, like scissors and rub their snatches on one another.  I was shocked.  But then was like oh.. well damn, how did they decide to name it tribadism, sounds like a typo on tribalism.  Sssoooo… after I found out what it was, i tried to search for videos since I just had to see this act in progress.  But no such luck, but there was site dedicated to “tribbing” but I don’t remember if the videos loaded and I know that there were no good valid links on Xtube, but whatever…

"FYI... I'm dope"


May 2024