BCBGirls Disaster!

So, today I was browing in the Macy’s shoe department (which was a horrible experience I will detail at a later time) and I came across these shoes.  I sometimes search the clearance racks for various items, sometimes out of season shoes, sometimes just shoes I liked that are now cheaper.  I like to apply various Macy’s coupons to these already discounted prices.  Ok, so enough background.  Take a look at these!! The BCBGirls Lotun.

Horrible abominations of shoes… All these features should not be in one shoes, its just morally wrong! Zipper Mary Jane.. could have worked if solo.  That is how the shoe caught my eye.  I, lately, have had a thing for the Mary Jane variation, and love a good twist.  A little bit of hutzpah (idk if thats the right usage or spelling but I like it so it stays) is always welcome in a good show.  But once I got this shoe into my had, I saw it had this huge chunky heel.  I love a good “sturdy” heel as my friend said, but this was just too much for this shoe.  Its round! Who the hell wants a round chunky heel? Where is the style in that.  And then.. there is this silver ring around it.  How does that work with your star feature – the zipper Mary Jane? How? I am so offended. Sorry Sweet shoe.. .so sorry.  Almost but not quite.  who is the designer over there? I’d love to hear their inspiration for these, because that is the only way to defend this…

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"FYI... I'm dope"


November 2008